
By NorbertThompson


ARTS THREAD -Fashion design sketchpad tell us about yourself.

Sharon Rothman: My career was as a fashion illustrator. I tried out different styles and techniques while working, and saw my illustrations published in a variety of fashion trends over the years. Fashion designers today explore their ideas and can free-associate design concepts in their sketchbooks. Over the years, Fashion Design Sketchpad Art has been a subject I have taught at FIT. It has encouraged design thinking and creativity through the sketchbook process.

.ARTS THREAD talks to Sharon Rothman, fashion illustrator and teacher about the Fashion Sketchbook. She explains why fashion designers need a sketchbook, and how you can use it to your advantage.

Fashion design sketchpad

 ARTS THREAD – What inspired you to write this book?

SR: It was requested by my students! I was always aware of industry trends and couldn’t resist the chance to show young designers how important their sketchbook is in securing the job they desire. You cannot be taught how to tell your own design story in a sketchbook. It is best to learn it yourself. Students find it frustrating that college courses don’t explore the various formats and techniques needed to create a sketchbook. They also need to learn sequential planning and visual strategies to showcase their designs. All this and more can be found in The Fashion Designer’s Sketchbook.

ARTS THREAD – Tell us how you’ve formatted the book.

SR: My book has three types of creative sketchbooks. Each one represents a different stage of design: process sketchbook (inspiration sketchbook), presentation sketchbook (process sketchbook), and presentation sketchbook. Then finally taking it out into the real world of fashion with the concept of the sketchbook as an innovative/interactive portfolio. Each of these stages develop naturally from the first spark of discovery to the design direction and sketch creation to the presentation. You can also add the idea of integrating your rough ideas into the portfolio as one cohesive flow. My students would have never taught me how to write The Fashion Design Sketchpad. And, it wouldn’t have been possible for it to be illustrated with such creativity.

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ARTS THREAD Chapter on Your Inspiration Sketchbook. Why is a sketchbook essential? What should it contain?

SR: The inspiration sketchbook is sketchbook journaling at it’s most personal. It captures your thoughts whenever they occur to you, and follows your sketches wherever they lead you. Its purpose is not to collect in any particular order your ideas, research images or words. This book is your guide to help you develop your collection or design project. Keep this handy so you can keep your original design vision intact even during the most complicated design project.